Sunday, September 26, 2010

Subdudes in Port St. Joe

Magical in a word. Met the 'dudes briefly last night for the first time and heard this one about a group of hippies who parked their bus behind the levee next to the Mississippi River way out in the "country" of Louisiana back in the '70s. The locals would gather at the end of the day and listen to their music and repeatedly tell the children not to get too close. And yes, there was a funny smell in the air.

Turns out I was there as a kid during the summer months, my grandparents lived nearby in Wallace, La., where they built a small brick home to retire in, had a small garden and grew their own (food that is), my grandfather sharpened saws and blades for extra money, had to eventually move back to the city given health as the nearest hospital was a long way off back then. But before they did, I too got to dig "Papa Dukie and the Mud People."


  1. I really enjoyed this story. I bet it was great to be able to relate to the song as they were singing, knowing you sat and listened to Papa Dukie and The Mud People, too. I like this song, it had me bobbing my head in my seat. ~KDegray

  2. Thanks for visiting KDegray. Let me know if you have any requests. Jb
